BeniBela online


This page contains papers, meaning seminar papers, theses, and presented peer-reviewed conference papers. It does not include journal papers or papers presented by coworkers.

Title Description
PhD thesis My PhD thesis about identifying causal effects with graphical models
Master thesis My master thesis about combining camera paths estimated from video sequences with cadastral (street) maps
Bacholorarbeit My (German) bachelor thesis about event matching
Presentation UAI 19 Slides of the talk "Finding minimal d-separators in linear time and applications"
Presentation CTW 19 Slides of the talk "Graphical Methods for Finding Instrumental Variables"
Poster AISTATS 16 Poster about the paper ""
Presentation AAAI 16 Poster about the paper "Separators and Adjustment Sets in Markov Equivalent DAGs"
Slides Balisage 14 Slides for the Balisage talk "Extending XQuery with pattern matching"
Slides UAI 14 Slides for the UAI talk "Constructing Separators and Adjustment Sets in Ancestral Graphs"
Seminararbeit Kryptographie A (German) seminar text about divisible, electronical money
Seminararbeit Vision A (German) seminar text about semantically image segmentation
Scherzprogramme A tutorial about developing joke programs on Windows 9x.
McMampf A (German) walkthrough for an old game
Facharbeit A (German) text about the calculation of molecule conformation
Chemie-Heft My (German) school notes about chemistry
Euglenareferat A (German) text about the Euglena
Glaselektrodenreferat A (German) text about ph measurement
Skript zu Lineare Algebra II Skriptmitschrift zu Lineare Algebra II

 PhD thesis


Graphical causal models represent the relationships between random variables and can predict the outcome of experiments from observed data. They are an important tool in fields like economics, social sciences, and epidemiology, where randomized experiments are impossible or unethically to perform, but a vast amount of observed data is available. Although many theoretical results are known, for many tasks involving graphical causal models no efficient algorithms are known, hindering the use of these models in artificial intelligence and for the analysis of big data.

In my thesis, I present efficient algorithms to predict the causal effect of experiments from a graphical causal model and observed data. I investigate two separate approaches for this purpose: covariate adjustment and instrumental variables. For both approaches, I develop novel algorithms and prove computational complexity results.

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 Master thesis

My master thesis "OpenStreetSLAM: Combining visual SLAM with cadastral maps". It describes as system calculating a camera path from a 3d video, how you can reconstruct the scene as point cloud and how you can combine it with cadastral (meaning street) maps to improve the estimation of the path and simultaneously the map. It did find paths and map correspondences, but overall not very convincing. The follow-up paper "OpenStreetSLAM: Global vehicle localization using OpenStreetMaps" is supposed to work better, but I do not really know the details there.

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Because the text is in German and to long to translate, the description is also in German:

In dieser Arbeit mit dem Titel "Eigenschaften eines Algorithmus zur Zuordnung von nicht eindeutigen Sende- und Empfangsereignissen in Ereignisprotokollen" wird untersucht, wie man aus der Reihenfolge von in Logs lokal aufgezeichneten Netzwerkpaketen berechnen kann, welche aufgezeichneten Ereignisse dasselbe (und nicht nur das inhaltlich gleiche) Paket beschreiben. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass dieses Problem NP-vollständig ist und der früher am Lehrstuhl verwendete Algorithmus (siehe Literaturverzeichnis) zur Lösung des Problems überhaupt nicht funktioniert.

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 Presentation UAI 19

 Presentation CTW 19

Slides of the talk "Graphical Methods for Finding Instrumental Variables" at the 17th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs & Combinatorial Optimization.

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 Poster AISTATS 16

Poster about the paper On Searching for Generalized Instrumental Variables at AISTATS 2016.

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 Presentation AAAI 16

Poster and slides about the paper Separators and Adjustment Sets in Markov Equivalent DAGs presented at AAAI 2016, generalizing the UAI 14 paper to a new class of chain graphs.

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 Slides Balisage 14

Slides of my talk about the paper Extending XQuery with pattern matching over XML, HTML and JSON, and its usage for data mining at Balisage 2014, which describes the XQuery extensions developed for my library app VideLibri to simply the data mining of webpages.

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 Slides UAI 14

Slides of my talk about the paper Constructing Separators and Adjustment Sets in Ancestral Graphs at the UAI (Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence) 2014, which is part of my Ph.D. research.

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 Seminararbeit Kryptographie

Because the text is in German and to long to translate, the description is also in German:

Die theoretische Beschreibung eines digitalen Geldsystems, das anonyme und unlinkbare Bezahlvorgänge mit teilbaren Münzen ermöglicht.

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 Seminararbeit Vision

Because the text is in German and to long to translate, the description is also in German:

Diese Seminararbeit erläutert das Paper "Decomposing a Scene into Geometric and Semantically Consistent Regions" von Stephen Gould, in dem beschrieben wird, wie ein Bild in semantisch und geometrisch sinnvolle Regionen segmentiert werden kann; Das heißt wie für jeden Pixel eines Bildes ermittelt werden kann, was dieser Pixel darstellt (in Goulds Beispielsimplementation konkret, zu welcher von acht Klasse Haus, Baum, Gras, Straße... er gehört). Der Text ist eigentlich nur für die Leute interessant, deren Englisch zu schlecht ist, um das eigentliche Paper zu verstehen, oder die keine Ahnung von den üblichen Computervision-Methoden haben.

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An ancient tutorial explaining how to write "joke programs" with Delphi on Windows 9x, i.e. programs that run inivisible in the background and annoy the user.

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Eine Übersicht über die Level des Spiels "McMampf". Vielleicht das erste Spiel mit mehreren Leveln, das ich als Grundschulkind am Computer gespielt habe.

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Because the text is in German and to long to translate, the description is also in German:

Der Text stellt zwei Methoden zur Berechnung der Konformation von Molekülen vor. Einerseits die triviale Methode über das Tetraederverfahren, anderenseits eine komplizierte mit Hilfe der Quantenchemie.
Desweiteren gibt es ein Programm das zeigt, dass beide so nicht funktionieren.

Source on GitHub

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Mein altes Chemie-Heft aus der Schule. Nur insofern interessant, dass ich dafür ein eigenes Dateiformat geschrieben habe.

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Mein Referat zur Euglena als Online-Webseite. Mit einem Java-Applet, das eine Euglena simuliert. (Der Link sagt "Download", aber es ist ein Link zur Webseite)

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Mein Referat zur Glaselektrode.

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 Skript zu Lineare Algebra II

(This is a German text, if you don't understand the untranslated description, you don't need it).
Meine abgetippte Mitschrift zur Vorlesung Lineare Algebra II.

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